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Amiga 38 Logo
by: uploaded: 2023-09-03 16:48:24

erstes bild aus dem kunstwerk! amiga 38 steht in den startlöchern! // first picture from inside the kunstwerk! amiga 38 is starting today!
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-06 09:33:59

by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-06 20:35:46

die noch leeren tische der amiga 38 am frühen freitag vormittag / the empty tables of the amiga 38 at early friday morning
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 04:36:20

get together party friday evening
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 04:37:25

blick von der get together party in dir aussteller halle / view from the get together party down on the event floor with the vendor booth
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 04:38:56

am amiga 38 freitag wurde alles aufgebaut. 6 kameras waren vom bbsindex im einsatz. es war etwas stressig ;)
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 04:42:57

volles haus auf der amiga 38 / full house at the amiga 38
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 11:14:31

sogar autos sind commodore fan hier / even cars are commodore fans around here
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 11:51:43

unsere interview ecke. genannte: honeytrap / our interview corner. called: honeytrap
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 13:50:05

Blick auf die Händler kurz vor dem Meet and Greet am Freitag / View of the booth shortly before the meet and greet on friday
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:10:59

Stimmungsvolles Meet and Greet / Meet and Greet in a fitting mood setting
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:12:42

R.J. Mical posiert für ein selfie mit einem fan / R.J. Mical posing for a selfie with a fan
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:13:35

Commodore 64 #Gaming
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:14:21

Wertsteigerung mit jeder einzelnen Unterschrift / More value with every single signature
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:15:40

Diese lampe cosplayed einen Menschen! / This lamp is cosplaying a human!
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:16:34

Kommt zur Amiga 38 und geniess die Aussicht! / Come to the Amiga 38 show and enjoy the view!
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:17:19

Und es ist eine tolle Aussicht von oben auf soviel Amiga Madness / And it's quite the view from the top down to all the amiga madness
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:18:27

by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:19:16

Aquabyss #Game
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:20:04

ASM das computerspiel wurde schneller verkauft als man Boxen falten konnte! // ASM the game sold faster than you could fold the boxes
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:21:38

Amiga. A fancy one.
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:22:23

Die Amiga 38 ist auch ein zuhause für Commodore 64 / The Amiga 38 is also a home for Commodore 64
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:23:12

Chris Hülsbeck Faninteraction
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:23:50

Amiga 38 Community Award
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:24:34

Amiga 38 Community Award
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:25:02

Amiga 38 Community Award
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:25:28

Amiga 38 Community Award
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:25:48

Die Verlosung / The Raffle
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:26:23

The Raffle got pirated!
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:27:04

Ravenlordess outstanding skillset shows her newest creation: LeChuck from Monkey Island II
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:28:25

But wait! There was also a Guybrush!
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:29:03

And the famous Voodoo Doll!
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:29:41

The raffle would go on under the threat of using voodoo magic
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:30:59

but loot was only handed out to members of the undead crew of LeChuck soooo.... some amiga fans might spend eternity on the amiga show
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:32:55

The cosplay of Ravenlordess and TLF was very well received in the audience. It was a great ending for the ARRRRmiga 38!
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-07 22:37:49

Es sind eine Menge Daten die nach so einem Event kopiert und durchgesehen werden müssen / There are a lot of data to be viewed and stored after such an event
by: Vitus Zeel uploaded: 2023-10-10 08:08:20

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