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BBSindex Computing Grid The BBSindex Computing Grid is a collection of Computers around the BBSindex Universe. Most of these are at home inside of the BlackICE BBS Case. Most of the Systems are serving a dual purpose. Suchs as providing all functions for the Smarthome System, a VPN, Pi-Hole or other Serveraplications. All spar Computingpower is provided to Remote Grid Computing. Many Years ago this journey started with SETI@Home and has evolved today in a couple of project where the BBSindex Computer Grid is crunching numbers for science.List of Computer at the BBSindex Computing Grid UFO Custom Build (i9 9900k 16 Cores@5 GHz / 32 GB Ram) [1 Core] Pi-01 Raspberry Pi 5 (Arm Cortex A76 4 Cores@2.4 GHz) [1 Core] Pi-03 Raspberry Pi 3B (Broadcom BCM2837 4 Cores@1.2 GHz / 1 GB Ram) [4 Cores] Pi-04 Raspberry Pi 3B+ (ARM Cortex-A53 4 Cores@1.5 Ghz / 1 GB Ram) [4 Cores] Pi-05 Raspberry Pi 3B+ (ARM Cortex-A53 4 Cores@1.5 GHz / 1 GB Ram) [4 Cores] Pi-Hole Raspberry Pi 4B (4 Cores@1.5 Ghz / 2 GB Ram) [1 Core] Current Projects World Community Project: OpenPandemics - COVID-19 World Community Project: Mapping Cancer Markers World Community Project: Smashs Childhood Cancer Asteroids@Home Einstein@Home SiDock@home Radioactive@home Discontinued Projects Folding@Home (2020) SETI@Home (17.12.2004 - 21.04.2020) Links World Community Project Asteroids@Home Einstein@Home |