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BBSindex TeamSpeak

The BBSindex TeamSpeak Server was installed on 22th Mai of 2024 but was revealed a little bit later at the 10th of July 2024.

You can connect to the Server with any TeamSpeak 3 client under the Address

The Server is currently split into 5 Rooms. The first one is the Lobby called LoginScreen followed by the 4 rooms that can be used for Text or Voice chat in ether German or English language.

On the 16th of July 2024 two more rooms where added. The VoiceChat MultiLanguage Channel is users that speak more than one Language. If you're away from the Computer for a while and like to idle on the server the AFK room is for you.

Why TeamSpeak and not Discord? Discord is a privacy nightmare.

For now, there is no specific Time when people meet on the server. Just try it!

@BBSindex on YouTube | on Mastodon | on BluSky | BBSindex TeamSpeak Server
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