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GamesCom Retro Area 2024 Picturegallery published!

2024-08-25 09:00:02
The Picturegallery GamesCom Retro Area 2024 with 35 Pictures can now be found at the Menuepoint Pictures.
A brief look around the retro area of the GamesCom 2024 tradefair in cologne germany

Quelle: BBSindex

Websiteupdate - Calendar

2024-07-02 21:49:20
We now have a Calendar!

You can add your BBS or Retro-Event to our brand new Calendar. Your Event will show up on the Website and in BBSes that joined the BBSindex Calendar.

You also can opt-in to share your Entry on our Socials if you like.

Adding our Calendar to your BBS is very easy! Just capture the output of the file with a tool like curl or wget.
Here are some examples:
curl >bbscalendar.txt
wget >bbscalendar.txt

After you've saved the file all you have to figure out within your BBS Software is how to show the text-file to your users and you're all set.

Quelle: bbsindex

David Pleasance & Dave Hayne: Dare To Dream

2024-05-19 20:09:04
David Pleasance and Dave Hayne already started as co-authors on a new book. The working title is: Dare To Dream (The Vision of what Commodore and Amiga could have been... ....should have been)

Both are well known in the Commodore and Amiga Community. David Pleasance had several Career stops at Commodore and Dave Hayne was a Amiga Computer Engineer.

They talked in the past about the frustration how Commodore endet it's operational business. At the Amiga 38 Event in Moenchengladbach, Germany Dave Hayne answered to the question: If you could, what would you've changed at Commodore/Amiga? - "I would've changed the Managment".

We have to wait and see for ourselfs if the book shows new facts about the last days, weeks or even month of Commodore and if it will rewrite history until the main topic of the book comes into focus for the reader.

A first glance of how well received this Commodore-Fiction is, could indicate the fresh started Kickstarter-Project.

If you like to know more about the Book and the Kickstarter this here is your URL to go:

Quelle: David Pleasance / Alisha

Homecomputer Museum Netherlands Picturegallery published!

2024-05-18 18:00:03
The Picturegallery Homecomputer Museum Netherlands with 100 Pictures can now be found at the Menuepoint Pictures.
Pictures from the Homecomputer Museum in Hellmond, Netherlands

Quelle: BBSindex

AmiCamp 2024 Picturegallery published!

2024-04-13 08:00:03
The Picturegallery AmiCamp 2024 with 21 Pictures can now be found at the Menuepoint Pictures.
Pictures from the AmiCamp meetup in Greek

Quelle: BBSindex

Revision Demoparty 2024 Picturegallery published!

2024-03-30 09:00:03
The Picturegallery Revision Demoparty 2024 with 11 Pictures can now be found at the Menuepoint Pictures.
Pictures of the Revision Demparty 2024 in Saarbrücken

Quelle: BBSindex

Mountainbytes Demoparty 2024 Picturegallery published!

2024-02-17 12:00:02
The Picturegallery Mountainbytes Demoparty 2024 with 7 Pictures can now be found at the Menuepoint Pictures.
Pictures from the Demoparty Mountainbytes in Cham, Switzerland

Quelle: BBSindex

Amiga Ireland 2024 Picturegallery published!

2024-01-20 11:00:02
The Picturegallery Commodore Users Group of Ireland (CUGI) Meeting 2024 with 5 Pictures can now be found at the Menuepoint Pictures.
Pictures from the 2024 meeting of the Commodore Users Group of Ireland (CUGI)

Quelle: BBSindex

Vintage Computer Festival Zurich 2023 Picturegallery published!

2023-11-11 09:00:03
The Picturegallery Vintage Computer Festival Zurich 2023 with 1 Pictures can now be found at the Menuepoint Pictures.
Pictures from the Vintage Computer Festival in Zurich, Switzerland from 11. and 12. November 2023

Quelle: BBSindex

Amiga 38 Picturegallery published!

2023-10-06 07:30:03
The Picturegallery Amiga 38 with 1 Pictures can now be found at the Menuepoint Pictures.
Pictures of the Amiga 38 Event in Mönchengladbach Germany from 2023

Quelle: BBSindex

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