BBSindex Computing Grid
Das BBSindex Computing Grid ist eine Sammlung von Computer im BBSindex Universum. Die meisten davon sind im inneren des BlackICE BBS Gehäuse zu finden. Fast alle Systeme haben mehrere Aufgaben. Smarthome, VPN, Pi-Hole oder andere Serveranwendungen. Die übrige Rechenleistung wird für Remote Grid Computing zur verfügung gestellt. Viele Jahre fing dies mit SETI@Home an und hat sich inzwischen so weit entwickelt, dass für mehrere Wissenschafts-Projekte gecrunched wird.Liste der Computer im BBSindex Computing Grid
UFO Custom Build (i9 9900k 16 Cores@5 GHz / 32 GB Ram) [1 Core]
Pi-01 Raspberry Pi 5 (Arm Cortex A76 4 Cores@2.4 GHz) [1 Core]
Pi-03 Raspberry Pi 3B (Broadcom BCM2837 4 Cores@1.2 GHz / 1 GB Ram) [4 Cores]
Pi-04 Raspberry Pi 3B+ (ARM Cortex-A53 4 Cores@1.5 Ghz / 1 GB Ram) [4 Cores]
Pi-05 Raspberry Pi 3B+ (ARM Cortex-A53 4 Cores@1.5 GHz / 1 GB Ram) [4 Cores]
Pi-Hole Raspberry Pi 4B (4 Cores@1.5 Ghz / 2 GB Ram) [1 Core]
Aktuelle Projekte
World Community Project: OpenPandemics - COVID-19
World Community Project: Mapping Cancer Markers
World Community Project: Smashs Childhood Cancer
Nicht weitergeführte Projekte
Folding@Home (2020)
SETI@Home (17.12.2004 - 21.04.2020)
World Community Project
The BBSindex Computing Grid is a collection of Computers around the BBSindex Universe. Most of these are at home inside of the BlackICE BBS Case. Most of the Systems are serving a dual purpose. Suchs as providing all functions for the Smarthome System, a VPN, Pi-Hole or other Serveraplications. All spar Computingpower is provided to Remote Grid Computing. Many Years ago this journey started with SETI@Home and has evolved today in a couple of project where the BBSindex Computer Grid is crunching numbers for science.
List of Computer at the BBSindex Computing Grid
UFO Custom Build (i9 9900k 16 Cores@5 GHz / 32 GB Ram) [1 Core]
Pi-01 Raspberry Pi 5 (Arm Cortex A76 4 Cores@2.4 GHz) [1 Core]
Pi-03 Raspberry Pi 3B (Broadcom BCM2837 4 Cores@1.2 GHz / 1 GB Ram) [4 Cores]
Pi-04 Raspberry Pi 3B+ (ARM Cortex-A53 4 Cores@1.5 Ghz / 1 GB Ram) [4 Cores]
Pi-05 Raspberry Pi 3B+ (ARM Cortex-A53 4 Cores@1.5 GHz / 1 GB Ram) [4 Cores]
Pi-Hole Raspberry Pi 4B (4 Cores@1.5 Ghz / 2 GB Ram) [1 Core]
Current Projects
World Community Project: OpenPandemics - COVID-19
World Community Project: Mapping Cancer Markers
World Community Project: Smashs Childhood Cancer
Discontinued Projects
Folding@Home (2020)
SETI@Home (17.12.2004 - 21.04.2020)
World Community Project
@BBSindex on YouTube | on Mastodon | on BluSky | BBSindex TeamSpeak Server
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